04497-60000S Brake Shoe Service & Spring Set Suitable for Landcruiser 45 Series 9/75-7/80
Weight: 0.35 kg
Price $87.20 available item
New Genuine 0449760000S rear or front drum brake shoe hold down and return spring service set suitable for Landcruiser 40 45 55 series models 9/75-7/80 with 75mm wide shoes
Landcruiser BJ40 FJ40 FJ45 FJ55 HJ45 9/75-7/80 front brake shoe set
Landcruiser FJ45 HJ45 9/75-7/80 rear brake shoe set with fully floating rear axles
NOTE - Landcruiser 40 45 55 series models use 0449752010S with shorter retaining pins and spring clips on front brakes 9/71-8/75 with the thinner 55mm shoes and the same for rear on Landcruiser 40 55 series models with semi floating rear axles