22774-0543K External O'ring Injection Pump Service Kit Hilux 9/00> & Surf
Weight: 0.2 kg
Price $62.25 limited stock item
New Genuine 227740543K external diesel leak seal and o'ring injection pump service kit suitable for Surf models 8/90> and Hilux models 9/00> with 2LTE 5LE 1KZTE engines that use an electronic controlled Nippon Denso VE type diesel injection pump
Hilux KZN165 LN167 LN172 9/00-1/05
Surf KZN130 KZN185 LN130 8/90-10/95 with 2LTE engine
Replacement for 22774-02023, 22774-02521, 22774-02528
NOTE - kit includes genuine Denso components including front seal, top cover o'rings, lower timer shaft sealing rings, distributive head o'rings and banjo bolt sealing washers